About Ndege Primary School
Every day, Ndege primary school hosts 600 children. There are two main challenges: there is no access to water and no power, as the grid doesn’t come anywhere near. Solar powered electricity can solve both problems and enable better education here.
our aim
This project aims to enable better education and better hygiene, which are expected to positively impact attendance and pass rates at Ndege Primary School.
The need
The school is in need of electricity for proper basic functioning of the facility. This includes powering equipment like fridges, but also illumination, which will enable evening classes.
The need for water has different angles, including clean water for drinking and hygiene, and water for irrigation and growing crops at the school garden
for the school feeding program.
The electricity part of the system will consist of a 5.1 kWp solar system and 7.2 kWh of battery storage.
The water supply part of the system includes an electric DC water pump, powered by a 2kWp solar system, all pipework and plumbing infrastructure and a 5.000 liter water storage tank.
The Ndege School is located north of Blantyre, in the southern region of Malawi.
The teaching team at Ndege School
“The water project will improve our school sanitation, solar electricity will improve our passrate (to secondary school)”
Cooperation with CLF
For this project we team up with Christian Lieblig Foundation, which supports this and other schools in this area of Malawi.