About the Road of Hope

Imagine Education as a road. Each step a child is able to take on this ‘road’ grows hope for the ability to build a future. For learning, self-development, a stable income, sustaining a family. For a future with choices and opportunities.
Our aim
We want to improve education by implementing solar powered lighting at primary schools. This will give children the chance to improve their learning, school results and to succeed at their final exam to proceed to secondary school (an essential step on the ‘Road of Hope’). Together with our partner Empower Malawi, our initial goal is to achieve this for 80 schools, across Malawi. We are crowdfunding for 40 of these schools.

How solar power can make a difference
To put it really simple: solar power enables lighting, which makes better education possible by allowing additional hours of teaching, which especially matters in the final grade (as described above).
How you can make a difference
One solar lighting system costs €275. Over its lifetime one system will, for around 350 children, enable
an additional 180 hours of teaching in their final grade.

This means that by achieving lighting for 80 schools
, we will make roughly 28.000 children benefit and enable a total of
over 71 thousand hours of additional education! Will you help us to make this happen?
Join us on this journey!
Find more details about the project here.

This project combines the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) 4 (Quality education) and 7 (Affordable and clean energy).

For this project we have joined forces with Empower Malawi, a small UK-based NGO with aligned aims and vision.
100% of each donated Euro is used for (implementation of) a system. We’ll keep you informed about what is achieved through your donation!