Chagontha Womens Farming

Changotha is a village in the Dedza District of Malawi. Like in many other places water is scarce, harvests are vulnerable and depend heavily on the rain season. About 30 women form a united and well organized team of farmers. One challenge: the very limited access to water for irrigation.

Will you join us to make a difference here?

Make this change happen with us!

(For further details scroll down below the donation form)

Project scope

This project will enable two things: The first is for the Chagontha farmers to irrigate all year long and therefore harvest not one, but three times per year. It will also provide access to water to a part of the local community: people who struggle to access clean water during the dry seasons.

The need

35 farmers and their families will benefit directly from this development, while 500 people will finally get access to safe water during all seasons.

Our aim

We will implement a DC solar powered water pump, 5.000 liter water storage and the pipework infrastructure for the irrigation activities. A dedicated water point with taps will supply water for the inhabitants of Chagontha. 


Chagontha is located in Dedza, in the central area of Malawi.

Make this happen with us!

Your support, no matter how small or big, will make a difference. 100% of your donation is used for implementation of this system.