Healthcare in one of the poorest areas in Tanzania

Mnero Hospital is a reference facility in the Nachingwea district of Tanzania. The hospital is well equipped, has skilled staff and strong, local management.

The lack of reliable power supply however limits the quality of care and sometimes even causes deaths.

the hospital

The hospital, operating since 1951 is providing all essential medical services for the very poor rural peasant population which hardly has access to any other place for medical treatment. It has currently about 100 beds and a staff of roughly 65

The need

The hospital is facing regular electricity outages (ranging from a few hours to multiple days) which are continuously disturbing and breaking up the medical services, which has even caused deaths in the recent months. Stable and reliable power is a basic need for the facility which can be provided by a solar installation in combination with battery storage. 

the system

The system will consist of a 16kWp solar installation linked to 40kWh of battery storage.

All electric infrastructure in the facility will be revamped to ensure a sustainable solution for the long term.


Mnero hospital is located in Mnero, in the southern Tanzania about 40 km away from the District capital of Nachingwea.

Administrator Mnero Hospital

Erick Lupapa

The new green and stable power supply and system in Mnero Hospital will significantly impact the daily care we can deliver to our patients! By working 24/7 without power interruptions, all patients needing machinery for critical care can have this without interruption. This improvement to our Hospital will completely reduce the number of deaths related to power interruptions and shortages (for multiple hours or days, especially during the rainy season). Also, the system will allow us to be more sustainable, grow further with the services offered and improve even the Hospital’s digitalization